Before you reach out, please not that this website is representing the production company MovieBrats Pictures and NOT the visual effects and animation service facilities of MovieBrats Studios. MovieBrats Studios was a Berlin-based sister company to MovieBrats Pictures that closed down in 2020 and is no longer offering any work opportunities for digital artists.
Please note that we do not accept and/or review unsolicited submissions of creative material, including narrative scripts, pitches, outlines, articles, treatments, artwork or similar materials ("Unsolicited Material"). Any Unsolicited Material sent to us by any means whatsoever will be discarded, deleted, destroyed and/or returned unread at MovieBrats Pictures' sole discretion. The purpose of this policy is to avoid any potential misunderstandings or disputes if your original work might seem similar to any project developed by or under the direction of MovieBrats Pictures' staff since occassionally works and submissions are based on the same or similar ideas.
If you choose to disregard this policy and despite our requests to the contrary, you do submit any Unsolicited Material, you acknowledge that you have read this submission policy and understand that MovieBrats Pictures has no obligation to you or your submission and that you have no claim whatsoever based on such submission.